Thursday, May 14, 2009

Horton Garden Blog

I have been faithfully updating our personal family blog for over three years and found that my gardening posts were starting to overrun the "aren't my kids cute" posts, so I decided to start this blog to track our garden progress and other projects around our house. My husband and I are both engineers and I tend to be a ruthless planner/documenter so this blog will probably be terribly boring unless you like that sort of thing. When I quote facts and numbers about the garden, I'm not just guessing. I have kept a garden journal since my first personal garden in college (1/17/1999) and being the nut I am, I write it all down. If there is a way to measure, weigh, or otherwise record something, I'm on it!
My husband is umm, lets say passionate, about things and will run with a new idea or project if it strikes him as interesting. He's the "get it going quick" one and I'm the "finish and maintain it" one... between the two of us, we get into all kinds of fun stuff.

Horton Garden Facts:
Located in Farmers Branch, Texas
Zone 7-8
Established in 2004, (first big project when we bought the house)
Expanded in 2009 to just about 500 square feet

My garden is located at the back corer of our yard. It has a 6 foot wooden privacy fence on the west and south sides and there are many large established trees within 50 feet in almost every direction except east (perfect!).

The soil here is a nasty black gumbo clay that is a bog in the wet season and gets giant 5 inch cracks during our dry hot summers. To be able to grow anything we have amended the garden with tons of organic matter and manure as I can find it. Our first Christmas in this house in 2004 Curtis asked what I wanted for my gift and I told him "sh*t". He got me bags of manure and soil for the new garden--the perfect gift and a fun story. Since then, any time I can I have added to the soil with whatever good stuff I can find.

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