Thursday, April 15, 2010

Say, do you know...

On April 12th, I went to our local library for some free tax help from the AARP. After gently chiding me for waiting so long file, Mary quickly filled out all the forms and our taxes were done. A funny thing happened about half way through the process, she looked over at me and said "If I said the name 'Dave Ramsey' would you know who I was talking about?" I told her I knew him better than I deserved. She laughed and kept on working. I asked her what made her ask me that question and she said that something in our paper work just screamed Dave Ramsey at her. She commented the paperwork was in good order (wow, if ours was in good order, I bet she's had a rough few weeks!). I told her that all of the stock sale info she just slogged through was part of what helped us to pay off or last debt this year: our mortgage. She was very happy for us. She was a graduate of Financial Peace University and was also at the Dave Ramsey Live event in Dallas back in March. She said that after FPU she realized for the first time that she could afford to buy a house, so she did.

This was my first experience being called out as a Dave Ramsey fan by a stranger and it was a great feeling. It is very encourgaing to meet others who have been motivated and had their lives change for the better through Dave's ministry.

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