Thursday, May 14, 2009

Garden Layout and Planning

Our garden is a square, 22 feet on a side. To maintain balance and a nice view from the house, the arbor and entrance to the garden had to be placed at a corner. This posed some difficulties for layout, as much as I'd love to have perfectly orthogonal gridded planting area, I finally decided on four triangles with an X shaped pathway separating the beds. While making it hard to do perfect straight rows, it makes for a very pretty view from the house and I'm pleased with the way it turned out.

In the four main areas we are growing:
Tomatoes (Better Boy, Black Krim, Roma, Heirloom BeefSteak, SuperSweet 100--2/22/09, Rutgers Heirloom, Superfantastic, and Heirloom Brandywine-- 3/7/09, Little Porter Heirloom, Porter Improved, Brandywine, SuperFantastic, Cherokee Purple 4/12/2009)
Potatoes and onions (sprouted potatoes from the pantry, Kennebec White, Yukon Gold and Red Lasoda Potatoes. Texas 1015 onions, red onions, shallots)

Squash (3 hills patty pan, Mixed Seeds: Caserta, Black Beauty, Cocozelle, Crookneck, Straightneck, round, and Tatume)

Peppers (Giant Marconi, Goliath Gold Rush, Red Beauty, Yummy Orange, Big Jim)
In every imaginary nook and cranny I have crammed in the following:
Beans (Taste of Asia, Kentucky Wonder, Golden Wax, Black Seeded Blue Lake, Italian Pole Bean, Jacobs Cattle Bean)
Swiss chard

lettuce (Buttercrunch, Black Seeded Simpson, and India Mustard Greens)
Hyacinth Bean on the trellis
Like any garden that has existed for more than 1 season, I have a bunch of volunteers:
Jerusalem artichoke
purple ruffle leaf basil
Oak leaf lettuce

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